Wednesday, February 3, 2010

~year 2~

The 2nd year in just got in to the new unit and first thing they did is sent Matthew out to the field! So I had, that's right you guess it 10 days without Matthew. But Matthew can back fine and we said that we needed to get a house on base and that's what we did and moved in in Oct. I was growing just like I should sad that I was not going to be with my family with the baby coming but knew that I could do it with Matthew and with Eve coming back out. Nov. came and so did the Marine birthday ball, my birthday and Thanksgiving. It was a great month and Matthew was able to pass off not getting me anything for my birthday because of the ball just a few days before. I let it pass!! I had a great time at the ball getting all dress up and having great food! Thanksgiving that year we were in our place on base and had over around 40 people so much fun! That's what I live for! Time went so fast and before we knew it, Christmas was here! We were staying in Cali for it and did not have a ton of money and with just the two of us going to be there we just made cheese burgers for dinner with all the toppings! So great! I think it was around this time that my blood presher started to be a little high. Nothing to bad they just wanted to keep an eye on it. We also found out around this time that Matthew would b going over sea for 7 month in the fall.

The first part of the year went by so fast and before we knew it, it was May. And with us due on May 16 we could not wait. My Dr. told me not to be to mad if she was late most baby do not come on their due dates. I was in the Thursday before she was due and had to see someone different, they said that was no way that I would have her on her due date. He went on to say "I'm never wrong" (never say never, more on that later) Mother's day was that Sunday and that was the 14, well Monday I went in, they sent me home and told me to walk. So we did and I think we played "RISK" if it was not that it was a different game. Yes I was playing games up it we went back in that night and at that time they said that I would be staying with them. We made our phone calls and had Sara come in she was going to be in the room with us. And Jessalla came to meet us at 6:25am on the 16th of May.

The summer went so fast and then it was fall and Aug, once again. On our Annv. Matthew was on lock down due to the fact that he would be leaving the next day to go over seas. So we spent the night packing and getting things around. I wrote Matthew a letter and pack little things in his bags, that the guys may have laugh at him for but I did not care. He told one of Jessalla Care Bears with him. I did not get a lot of sleep that night but I do remember standing in his sea bag trying to get it down. LOL!!!

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