Saturday, August 24, 2013

That time of year again!! Here what we are using this year

   It's that time a year again, but I think this year Wal-mart was giving us a jump start back in July!!  It's school time.  Last year full/real year of homeschooling and yes it was hard, and there were days that we all ask is this what we want.  But in the end we made it and loved it!  I would say that it's not for everyone, and it's not something that we are saying we will do this always.  But we are doing it again this year.  And as of right now I do not see us stopping anytime soon.  This is not something that our parents did with us.  Hubby and I both went to public school, and I loved school and could not wait to go back every year.  I'm sure the hubby could wait but he like it and did well, played football.  And that was what was best for us, and this is what we feel is best for them.  With that said yes we have people that we love and love us that think we should not be doing this.  And it was hard for me the first few months because I felt that I was letting them down by doing things that I was doing.  I got over that and take what they say, and listen to what they say but still do what I think.  I know that they too are wanting what is best.
   With all that out of the way I wanted to tell what we would be doing this year.  Tinker Bell is going into 2nd grade.  And for the most part she right there, her reading is a little higher and so is her spelling.  And because I know that she not one grade all the ways across I do not buy box sets, they do not work for us as a family.  So here it is.....

Bible -
     God and Me 3 Devotions for Girls Ages 6-9  -  We both love this one!  And will get the next one when she is finish with this one.  She has two pages to do a day.

     She is also Reading Jesus Calling Bible Storybook by Sarah Young  -  She loves it...I also do, but it's not what I was thinking it was going to be.  And that's okay.  We will finish it and when we are done I will find something else for her.

    Both of these should be done this year (2013) so most likely she will be getting new ones for Christmas.

English -
     Hooked on Phonics  -  This year she will be doing 2nd grade, and I do this just to make sure she has everything she needs before moving on.  and for the most part she does it on her own.  I'm sure she could go without it.

     Skills for Success Grammar Rules!!  -  This is a book that I found online, and love it!  It for 1st-2nd grade.  And the way we use it, it will last us a lot longer.  And I'm okay with that.  She does on page on Monday morning and at the bottom of the page there is a Draft Book, and I have her do that all week.  And I hope by the end of the week she will know for sure what the week is about.  So far so good!!

     A reason for Handwriting A and B  -  She is finishing up A and moving right on in to B.  It's handwriting, that starts off small and gets bigger as the week goes on.  She ends with writing a verse from the Bible.  It comes with a Teacher guidebook that dose k-6 all in one!!  Nice because I only need one for both girls.  But in there it give different games, and trips to help you out.

     A reason for Spelling B and C  -  Again she will being finishing up and moving right on to the new one.  You have to get each teacher guidebook each year.  On Monday we read a story that goes with the spelling words, and memories verse and take her pre-test.  Then all week has fun and different ways of working on her words.  One for each way of learning, there is also a game, and different ways of spelling the words and then on Friday she has a test.

     Writing  -  I got online and got a few writing prompt books for her.  Ones that I think she would like and that would be fun.  I try to get her to do one every few days.  She also has a journal that she writes in daily.  She also does book reports and other fun writing.  Like right now we are reading the Wizard of Oz and when we are done we will watch the movie and I will have her write up 3-5 different she see, and 3-5 things that are the same.  We also watch a movie Friday nights as a family so I give her the title and she write up what she thinks it's about just by the title.  She likes what we are doing for writing now.  She not a fan of writing so it's a little hard to get her to do it some times.  But we are working on it.  She also writes letters home to family.

Math  -
     Math in Focus  -  This is our 2nd year using it, and we love it.  Some of the things it wants you to do seem a little different, and sometimes it's a little slow.  But sometimes I think that I may have needed to start her off a year higher than I did.  And that's okay.  We do the work, and do the test.  To add a little fun in we also play games.

Ariel  -  is going into pre -k and K!!  She is getting so big.

Bible  -  
     God and Me Devotions for Girls Ages 2-5.  She is also loving it.  We just started with her writing her own answers to what they ask.  I write them and she copies them in to the book.  She is doing great.

     The Berenstain Bears Storybook Bible by Jan and Mike Berenstain  -  It's a great book she loves the Berenstain Bears so this was a must for us to have for her. We read a story together and I find a coloring page to go with it for her.  We talk about it and that's about it for her.  We will finish it in just a few weeks, maybe months but not long at all.  Then we may move on to Tinker Bell's book.  

English  -  
     A reason for Handwriting K  -  We did it last year and will do it again this year, I also print things off line for her pull things off of other workbooks.

     Hooked on Phonics  -  She will start Kindergarten leave 1 in a few weeks, and we will take it as fast or as slow as needed.  Own goal this years is to get all our letter sounds down.  It's a great and do able goal.

     Writing  -  We are not pushing it, she will copy words that I write out for her, and she sends letters that way.  and for now that's just great.

     Spelling and Grammar  -  we are not working on this year.  Sometimes she will wants a list of words to spell so I give her some little ones that she could do.  And when Tinker Bell does her grammar sometimes she will get in on the game and whatnot.  Next year she will start

Math  -  
     Well it's just whatever I grab for her for the day.  It could be a workbook, game or a print out.  We are working on counting to 50, writing our numbers, bigger and less than.  Fun math.  She will start some adding later in the year.

I know you are all thinking that I left a few things out....I did not leave them out we just do them together.  

Bible  -  100 Verse Every Christian Needs To Know - we are taking one at a time and working on it till we all have it down and moving on.  So it's not one per week or anything like that.  So far lots of fun.  With each verse it has a little something with it.  It's been great even for me.

Science  -  We been using God's Design for Life the green books this year.  The books are from the Answers in Genesis Science By Debbie and Richard Lawrence.  This year we are looking at The World of Plants, The World of Animals, and The Human Body.  Right now we are talk about cells and the different

Social Study/ Geography/ History  -  We have not found something that we love.  And I just can not bring myself to buy something at this minute that I have not look in to a little more.  So we are traveling the US this year.  Starting with the First state and making our way to the last.  We will take the time to look at our history a little, and how the flag became what it did.   And having fun with it!!  And at the same time looking in to something for next year or later this year.

We do other things to  -  Dance, Charter Training, sports, AHG, starting piano soon!  That's a full list.  That's not their reading list witch I will do in a different post.  Along with what I'm doing this year!  

I hope this helps you in picking your own if that's what you are doing. And thank you for visiting our Doorstep!!  

God Bless,

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