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Eammah's birthday gift from Papa and Grammy Having the day with them, and Art with Mrs. Shelby and Aunt Taylor |
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Birthday dinner with the mouse |
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What a great show!! |
February is here!! It's the month of love! RED WHITE AND PINK!! Really the Disney on Ice show was this month but it's okay! We had a low key month it was still cold and winter outside. The girls were enjoying being out and playing in the yard. We did our normal things over the month. Had some time with friends and family. The girls were able to make and race their cars again with the other Awana kids at church. And are looking forward to doing it next year in just a few weeks.
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the upstairs |
April - We started off this month getting our feet back under us and getting ready for Matthew's birthday at the end of the month. My days were laid out a little different now but I still had the girls and they were dancing. And had a show coming up in June!!
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Jessalla's Birthday treat out to Papa and Grammy! |
June - OOO man! It's summer and we are in dance show mind 100%! It's going to be a great show. And then I got yet another phone call.... My sweet Grandma Jean had passed away. I remember that day and it was nuts, yes we live in Michigan and the weather is nuts. But that day we had hail that day. 😲 So the same day that we said goodbye to one of the people that was a big part of my world, the girls also dance at their show. I'm so thankful for our dance family. I was able to walk into the school were my dad and Sharon met us with food and feed us and Sharon came in the back with me and helped me get things set up for the girls. Another mom that I have known for years now... her and her daughter came and did the girls hair and makeup in no time. And I was just able to sit. I love them, they are a sweet family and love that our lives are crossing path again. Jessalla went to camp at the end of the month and had a great time!! She would go the full summer if she could. Matthew's parents Phil and Dixie came in and was able to pick up Jessalla from camp. So we stay up there a little longer showing them around and letting the girls tell them what it was like.
July - started with us dropping Eammah off at camp. And me crying. And a few days later going back up to get her. She had a great time!!! We got to see Dixie's side of the family and spent the day at a camp ground with them all. Riding this fun bikes all over, spending the day talking and hanging out. Matthew's grandma could paint!! Well, very WELL!! One of Matthew's aunts bought some paintings that she had done and ask if there was one that we would like. So now we have a snow covered barn hanging in our living room!! LOVE it!! While Phil and Dixie were here for 3 weeks they were able to help on the house and we got lots done. It was just great!! The girls are doing 4-h and had their first show ever!! They loved it! And it was also Matthew, Phil and Dixie first show! lol!! They were not a 4-h family so it was all new for them. It was a little new for me just because they do not show horse but Llamas!! They are a great show and loved it!! Jessalla got Grand Champion!!
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#18 for their favorite Youth Pastor!! |
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Eammah fish for the afternoon she was a little sad that Layton would not cook them up for her. |
September - We are now back into school for a month and going strong! We are homeschooling again this year. Awana is starting back up, and so is youth group. We got some great bike rides in. Not as many as we would like, and will try harder next year to get more in. The girls had their last show this month. It was just a weekend long. And all I will say I'm just glad this was not their first show. I'm so Thankful for the help I have this year at Awana!
October it's fall!! This year is flying by in many ways and going so slow in others. This is the second year that the girls have loved on both of our pastors for the full month! Each day they did something for them. I'm glad we are back in town. Cards, baked goods, homemade things. The girls were back dancing for a few weeks again, after having the summer off. And we got two old dance outfits for Halloween! They went as pink ladies!!! I love that movie!! We spent a lot of time raking, and raking and when we were thinking we were done we raked some more. We only have 8 to 10 tree but they are BIG trees.
November it should be cold, right? It was so nice here in Michigan. Birthday dinner, family time, and more dance. We have a very full birthday month this month!! 9 birthdays!!! And I still did not get them all!! I got most so it's all good!! The girls wanted to both dance for the Christmas show for we had extra dance this month to work on that. Our church does mission month also so we have different missionaries in each week to talk and let us know what they are doing. It's so much fun and we all enjoy it. This year we had a family come that we just click with so well. And have been able to stay up with each other. And they home school also and use some of the same things we do. Just a nice gift from The Lord that I needed. Thanksgiving week our church does a big dinner on Monday! It's always a great time just to sit down and talk with people that we see each week but may not have time to talk to, or get to deep. Thanksgiving was dinner at my Grandma Bills.
December was still nice out till about the 11th!! Then we got a snow, and I think it will stay around for awhile. On the 10th we had our first Christmas of the year!! I know so early, it was back down to my Grandma Bills. The girls love have that time with family. I need to work hard to get them together more. We have only 1/2 a tree this year.... the girl's papa Scott gave them a kitten who has made it her life goal to kill the big green monster that has taken over her living room!! So this years Christmas tree is a hot mess. lol!! We are okay with it for the most part. Other than that we have nothing up and it's the 16th!! Phil and Dixie will be in tomorrow till the 26th! I hope to get some things up before they get here. TOMORROW!!! LOL!! Who am I kidding!! We have 1/2 a tree!! We have kinda full week why they are here... I tried not to make it so bad it just did not workout that way. On the 18th our church is doing it's Christmas play with the kids. And both girls are in it. We have plans to give back at a store around here. The girls have speech class on Tuesday, Dance on Thursday and also Art class then. Friday we are going out with our church to sing. Christmas eve we are at home but have family food chop going on with dinner that night. Jessalla will be reading again this year on Christmas eve. We are planning on opening a few things Christmas Eve. Christmas morning we will get up and open up whatever Santa leaves us and make it to church by 10:30. Both girls will be singing Christmas morning. I know we will get some good time in with them.
Not sure where we will ring in the New Year.
Eammah - is 7 and in 2nd grade. She went to camp this summer over night! That is big for her. She is growing so much trying new things with camp, showing llamas, and even new dance class this fall. She is doing great in school! She started off 2nd grade not reading much at all and now just a few weeks in reading so great. Pickup any book she can and just reading it. Can not wait to see what is to come for her this next year.
Jessalla - is 10 and in 5th grade. She went to The Springs Camp 2 times once over the winter for an overnighter and once this summer for a week. She is getting so tall and becoming a beautiful young lady!! She takes a full load of dance, taking all she can and asking for more!! We both love that her dance teacher is willing to help her grow, as a dancer, a young lady and in The Lord. She is doing great in school this year and working a head in some places.
Matthew - is taking college class at Baker, still working for the USPS. Looking at another job, we hope to know more on that in the new year. And working on the house as much as he can.
As for me.... I keep myself busy. With school for the girls, running them to 4-h, church, and dance things. I teach cubbies at church on Sunday nights over the school year, and help with the youth group as much as I can.
This year has been a hard year, we lost 9 people in a short time, we made a move into a house that we are working on. We are not all into Christmas this year with good reason. But even in all the bad we had going on. God showed us his love, and the love of others. God has given us the people we need to help us make it. We may have felt all alone but he never left our side. He is FAITHFUL always! As we close out this year we pray for each and all our friends and family that you have a great 2017! We look forward to all the good that God has planned for us each and as a family.
Grandma Jean |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years from Our Home to Yours!!
Me and Mama Beth summer 2015 |
Both will live in our hearts always!
If this is your first holiday without a love one, our heart and prayers go out to you.
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