So much on my plate, sometimes I feel that I'm going to drop something and something else will fall off also and when it's all say and done I will have nothing left. I will have miss appointments and let people down. Forgot to do something or many... I'm running around with my head cut off a lot of the time it fills like.
I'm getting ready to leave the house and trying to remember what hat I need to have on and where I was going.... It's Wednesday.... right? Grab what I need for a long night of dance and a church meeting that is at 7. Get things around and getting ready to walk out the door to remember that it's Tuesday and I need to run to the church to grab the office hour bag, and because Matthew work late I need to take Eammah with me. Because we get out of office hours at 4 and she starts dance at 4!! And it's 2:25 and I need to be to office hours at 2:40 and still run to the church. I'm going to be late!! But that's been a theme with me lately and I dislike it so much. My whole week has been running like that.... I'm it's came to the point that I'm lost I'm going nuts... I'm not sure what to do... I turn to God, ask for help and know that last time he put something on my heart I did not listen... This time I will listen to every letter.
It's all started maybe a month ago... and just kept piling on... one things after another. And God was talking to me... but I was to busy with other things to listen. I was ask to do something, give of my time for a year. I have been ask before and have said yes... and when the voting came about I never made it. This year when I was praying about and asking for prayer about it... I knew I should have said no. I'm honored that you ask and where thinking of me... but at this time I need to say no.... that's what I should have said. What I said was yes... I would love it... ( Because I never get pick as it is) Well this pass Wednesday night I was voted in, as much as I'm looking forward to working with a great group of ladies and serving my church... I know this means I will have to give up something it may mean missing dance classes, or a track meet...I know that God will help me, and I will learn from this and from not listening to him.
Homeschooling is still a top priority for us. And even years into doing it and we are still finding things that work better for them, or things need to be change with Jessalla being in 6th grade. Some of the things we were using only went to 5th or 6th grade. So we knew it was coming, and are very happy with what we are using this year. And feel like this set up will last us awhile. Things are going well this year and we are enjoying what we are using... most of all they are loving learning, and that is a big goal for us. We want them to love to learn and not stop when they are done with school, keep on learning their whole life.
Taking a little time to look over the list of commitments I have and praying about them. And I may need to step down from something. I do not want to burn myself out or not be able to give what I need to do the job or task at hand. Making a list of my priorities will help me, and remembering JOY.
Jesus First
Others Second
Yourself Last
It's so easy to remember the saying and the word JOY but sometimes its so hard to put it in to action. And not saying that you need to be so last that you never have time for you or are running yourself sick. I'm also not saying that the things on my plate are bad and I should not be doing them. More of is this what God wants my time on? Is there someone else who could be doing what I'm doing. I have fallen back in to my old ways of just saying yes, whatever you need. I need to stop back and say let me pray about it.
It hit me hard when I had someone say to me, I was thinking you would want to do this because you do not work. I smiled and said I do work. They went on to say no like a real job. They almost got me to say yes, but at the same time I was mad. I do work, I do have a real job. And the more I was thinking about it, and trying not to get mad. I could see how God was using this to help me stop and think about what I was doing.
Life gets nuts some time, we feel overwhelm and want to cry or hind till it of done with. Had a teen from our youth group say they would cry if they had to do all that I do, it's just all to much. I'm not saying all this to have others feel sorry for me or anything like that. But for me to have a remember of what is important at this season of life. I have young kids at home, it's a priority for me to be at things that they are in. Not some place else. It's important for me to teach Awanas and help out with the youth group. Those are the kids that my kids hang out with. It's just as important for me to give back, but not over do it. And to have my kids see that.
If you are reading this thinking this is me, I have way to much going on. It's not to late to stop and regroup what you are doing. Make a list, step down from a few things if need be. Not to always say yes to everyone. And by saying no, you are giving someone else the chance of letting someone else be a blessing.
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