Today I was sitting and watching the girls play and thinking about all the little things that end up taking a place in something big, and we never stop and think about it. How much the little things mean, and so today I try to look for the little things that were going on with the girls and in my life!! Something that is a little thing in our house is that we clap after pray for meals. I know it's sound funny but it's away for the kids to know that it's okay to eat, fun way for when they were very little. Well Eammah has got it! It's great to see her get things like that. She been able to clap for a while now, but to see her do it when we want her to, it's so nice! And it's not that big at all! Today I wrote all the number out up to 20 and Jessalla look at me and said after ten it starts with 1 again! YES!!!
Today was a big day of little things! And all the little things add up to a great big day!!!
Sorry it's been so long but I will work hard to keep up with thing more and hope that you will all knew what is going on with us when we are home and away from "home"
It's also Matthew 26 Birthday!
What a fun tradition for your beautiful girls!! Jessala wowed me the other day with her sweet happiness.