Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm back

it's 135 in the morning and I'm sitting up awake! Man what is up with this. We are giving us other a computer for Christmas this year I'm so glad! I'm not going to be on to long I just wanted to get back in to writing and whatnot again. And to tell you that I'm a planner and when my day dose not go as plan I my flip ;~) Keep that in mind as you read this.

This morning was the 17th and it was a Friday and in the Landers house that means we are going to speech. And on this day we were going to head north because Saturday we were having a big thing for my brother who just finish college. So the morning is going well, get Jessalla where she needs to be and when we are all done with that we come back to the house and as I'm getting Eammah out she starting to get sick. Mind you, as she is doing this the only thing I can think of is not in the car seat! LOL! I dislike taking them apart! Well with that in my head I cup my hands and get most of it. Well now she is crying to get out and I'm standing there with no way to get her out! I now have to go in to clean my hands. Clean her up and all was better for a minute. needless to say we are still at home and I fill like a bad sister! But he knows that we love him and would be there if we could. But I just put her back down before I got on here. So it's not going to work for us to be there.

Look for our Christmas posts coming soon! with in the next few days

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