Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What a year so far!! LOL

We are living in Michigan and had more snow when we were out in Cali! We are under a ton of change right now, and not sure how we will come out when we are done. Or if we will have to go back and try again till we find something that works better for us.

Change 1- no more cards! just cash, well paying bills online will still use cards, but other then that we are just a cash family. We are just taking out what we need, and have it in to different groups. We done it before but we stop and started using your cards again and see that it's not good for our family. So just making a big deal out of it so that we can stick to it. Also we are only shopping with a list and only once a week.

Change 2- Loseing weight, if you look at the post right before this I'm a little fat! Just a little, but I'm working on it and still trying to find the time that I need to work out and when the best time is with having the girls here and Matthew gone all the time. Still working on that but I'm sure that I will find the best time for it. Also I have put myself on a bed time of 10:30, I do well most nights. The down side to that is that I do not get to see Matthew all that much. Wish the hours were better.

Change 3- School.... Got some new books for Christmas that look a ton better, and over Christmas we got fa reader in the house, so I need to fix that in to the new plan. Starting half way in to the year with a new kid, thinking of starting our 2 year old. It's about the same time that I did with our oldest. Not that she will do a ton of work, but it works better if she has something todo when we are doing school. So we are moving our school things around in the house to. So I'm miss a few things now and need to find them.

Change 4- Not having our phones up on the weekends. It's something that we have been doing without knowing it. And it seems to work the best for us. As some of you know Matthew is working a ton and when he is home we need him just to be here for us and not be on the phone all the time. So we use it but only when we want to and that's not all that much when he is here. It's a good thing

Change 5- Daily life, that just comes down to how we run th daily to daily things that we do. It got to the point that I was feeling that I had no time to do anything for me. With house work, school, cooking, running around and doing the mom thing it was getting to be a little much. But I'm working on that and have found somethings that I can do.

That is a lot todo with little kids and a husband that is gone a ton.

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