Monday, August 8, 2011

Family Weekend! What a Blessing!!

This is Matthew's Aunt~ This year was here year to plan the together. Thanks for having us all over

Matthew's family had thier together over the weekend, it was so much fun! I have gotten to know them a lot better over the last 18 months. When Matthew and I got together and the first time I ment them. Thier family was starting a hard time and when the hard time was over Matthew and I got married and move out to Cali! So I never got to know them, or talk to them all that much and love getting to know them and having the time with them.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Matthwe 18: 15-17

"If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him—work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend. If he won't listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. If he still won't listen, tell the church. If he won't listen to the church, you'll have to start over from scratch, confront him with the need for repentance, and offer again God's forgiving love.

God has put this on our heart that we need to teach our kids this so they will know the way to deal with others that hurt them. As of right now with our girls being 5 and 2 we need to help them a lot with this. But Jessalla (our 5 year old) has it and dose it mostly by herself. We also want them to know that this is how they should go to anyone, not just other believers. And it's made life easyer for me, I'm not havving to get in to all their little "she said" talks, or the little "hits" that go on every day. If I do I know what I have to say and it's the same each time.

But with that said this is not a free pass to get out of having to step in and do my part in I'm needed. And this also means I get to listen to them over the smallest thing tell the other that hurt my feelings and I would like it that you would not do that again. And if it's Jessalla that was hurt, she will go on to tell Eammah do you remember Matthew 18:15? It said "If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him—work it out between the two of you." And that means you need to tell me sorry! Well not what she should say, but it's still a plan in the works.

So till we have it 100% we will need God's help. And knowing that we will never have it 100% we will always need God's help. But by putting this few verse to memory it will only help us! Take the time to put verse to your memory that God places on your heart. There is a reason why he put them there that we may or may not know at the time.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My job!

I was ask not to long ago what my job was, and I said to the person that I'm a stay at home mom. So you do not have one. Well if that's how you want to look at it. Then no I do not have a job that pays money. My job is to save my family money on the things that we need. To teach our girls to love God, keep a clean house and make sure my family has good food to eat. When I look at it like that it's not all that bed and I could do that with no help at all, and not call it a job. It's when you know what goes in to it that you know it is a job and a hard one at that. My husband is working 18 hours 6 days aweek, and I'm home with our two girls ages 4 (5 may) and 2.

Our day starts with Matthew getting up around 4:30am maybe 5. But that's about all. The girls and I will get up around 7 and eat. After cleaning up, we will set together and have bible time. After that the girls have a little free time so that I can do dish or some washing. Some days we have to be out to the house by 9 am/ if we do not then we have school around the table or outside if it's nice out. Then it's about time for lunch but not before putting the wash in the dryer and stating more if I need to and a little play time with the girls. The girls help with lunch, and will sit at the table or outside if it's nice. Then it's cleaning up and the girls have naps/ rest time. This is when I do the cleaning that I have for the day. Like Mondays is bathroom day. And I find some me time, (talk to Lottie) and start thinking about dinner. If the girls get up before I'm done they get to help me. Then I get a little more play time in with the girls and then start dinner. After dinner and the table is clean it's more play. And at 6:30 the girls have bath and books and in bed around 7:30 8:00. With me to finish the cleaning and dishes, some washing if there is any. Fixes a plate for Matthew for when he gets home. And I will be in bed at 10, so I can do my Bible reading, and some fun reading before lights out at 10:30. Matthew will get home 10:00 and 11:00. And to add to it, we are not home all the time, we have dance, and take trips a lot too. This is how summer runs too, we may just do it out of a tent and not a house.

And with "school" we were thinking of homeschooling our girls but have done some more thinking about it and do not think it's the right thing for our girls at this time. But we still do school each day and still teach them what I would have if we were homeschooling them. It's what they will get in school when they go, on top of Bible, homemakers lessons, money, Cars, and anything else we can think of to teach them at the time.

If two years ago someone would have told me what I would be doing I would have laught at them, when I write it all down it's a lot to do. But I'm able to do it with a loving husband and God. And I know that how I would like all my days to look but I'm happy if 2 out of a week look like that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

stop and listen.....

So it's been hard 10 days or so, and we would be lying if we said we had the best marriage every. We do not, but we get out of the hard time fast with the help of God, and he is with us no matter what is going on with us. And I have seen us grow in the way that we fight, that in that fact that we do not as much as we did when we were first married. And I'm not saying that we do not get mad at each other and whatnot, but now we have a code word that we use if we are out and around other people that we can say and we know that it's something that we need to talk about later at a better time.

But even with all the growth that we have had, we still do not always hear what God is telling us, and I have been feeling that way lately. I know that he is there and with me all the time but just not hearing him. Without telling anyone that a friend sent us a box in the mail and we got it over this past week. And in there she had sent a book for me called "Are you talking to me?" it's By Kim Wier. And it's about taking time to listen and watch when God is talking to you. He is always working for you and giving you what you need even if you are not listening. And he use anyone.

This is day 1 of the book it's a 31 day devotional.

Feb 10Th
How did God Strengthen you today?

Today was hard. I was able to see today that Jessalla is growing up so fast and had a great hart and I'm so lucky to be her mommy. I was able to laugh and smile at the girls today why they were dancing they both are so much fun. And I'm glad that I took the time to watch them. But like I said it was a hard day, both of the girls this week have been not not listening very well, and today was a little better just not what I would like, so we are working on it still I think it's just because they miss their daddy. I just wish that I had more time in the day to get things done, but I still have a little time left. And I know that he was with me today because I was able to clam Eammah down four times right after putting her down tonight. I'm not always the best after the 2 or 3 time. But it's something I'm working on. God is getting it in my head that I need to just take my time and be clam and things workout much faster then if I'm all mad. And that goes for many, many things. And know that I have hear God tell me to stay clam, because things will not be better for me till I'm clam and with him.

And all that comes to mind with this day is trust in him.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

it's been to long....

Well it's Feb and the 14th is coming up fast. And as many of you know it's the day of love, but in our house we say that it's not the day to say I love you, but to say how much I love us! And it is something that we work on to make sure the girls know that we love us as a family, husband and wife. So with that said the plan for this year is some of the same things that we have done from the time we had our first daughter. We got them hart bags, and we full them up with hart rings, pencil, and anything red, pink, white, or hart shape that I can find to put in them. We also get them a out fix/ shirt for them to wear that day. And for food I make things that are red, pink, and hart shape. Red dry in their milk, hart shape pancakes, just let your mind go to work. You can have a ton of fun with it. But all those things are things that we do the day of. What about before hand. We make a few new harts a year and hang them from the ceiling, we add some harts to the tree of love that we add to each year and it's getting big!! Got to love that. And I try to find a few new things to make with harts each year. This year we are going to make some fish! Should be fun, and maybe a flour. And each year we pull out what we have made in the past years and hang them up with our new things.

But why is it that we only do this kind of thing once a year, does God only love us once a year. No! He loves us no matter what, so why is it that we only go out of our way once a year. We have try to show our kids and our love ones that we love them and others that we love them just as God as told us to do, and love at this as a fun day with our family. We hope that you have a great day with your love ones.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas 2011

Yes we are already talking about Christmas and what we will be doing for it. This is how we can do it. We have a ton to buy for and have to look for things all year long. And I think we have it all work out for the most part. All kids are getting BOOKS!! nice! So I will look for them now and see what I can get on sale, and when I get one I will write on a paper who it is for and place it in a box, till we need it.

Dad/Sharon & Jen/Jason (girls) and getting Disney life saving bags! LOL!! As for we all will be going to disney next Jan. Should be fun and we fhave some great things that we want to put in their bags.

For the rest of the family we do not know what they will be getting but we do know how much. We feel that we need to know now that we can put money away. We do not want to go in debt, and one way not to is plan.

God wants us to be smart and be are best. And we feel that being our best is planning out. And there goes for all parts of our life, I plan the shopping trips, and not just the ones for food. Most of them, sometimes we go and get a little wild. Planning makes God happy we think, we think God was a planner and he wants use to be like him.

Please the
All year and
Never not plan

So to let you know we do sit down and write out a years of money and what we need for the next year, birthday, Annv, Shopping, trips, And Holidays. we make a budgets. LOL!! We try hard to stay on it and do for the most part. Will post a budget over look at a later time.

My poor sweet girls

So this morning I have the girls at the table working on "School" and it was Bible time and I was thinking to myself not right now. I was going back 'n fouth from the table to the kitchen getting lunch made. When Jessalla look at me and said that she was done and was getting things out for Bible time. And I ask her to help Eammah pick her things up and get things out.

It came time to sit down and we did our song and had a great time, and about time to start reading and Jessalla looks at me and when the saddest eyes I have ever seen ask " Mom if God loves us so much why does he not have daddy here with us more?" What do you tell her, As I'm thinking to what to say, she looks and says "what are we not getting?" I then look at her and ask her what are you talking about, "what are we not getting"

Jessalla- I have hear you say before that you have not got the leason that God wanted you to because it's still not going well. Or that he is "testing" you and you have not pass.

Me- well hun sometimes it not use that have the leason to learn or the test to pass, and we the just who God uses to help him. And maybe that is what God needs from us right not.

Jessalla- Well then is there something different that we need todo?

Me- Well, I'm not sure. But we can pray and ask God if there is.

Jessalla- Okay, ( she sits there for a minute without saying anything) Lets pray!!

Me- well lets finish Bible time first

Jessalla- I think we just did, don't you!?

Me- well, yes

So we pray and they both got down and went and played. She is so old for her age. And she may just be under five but today God was talking to me useing her. And I have to remember to talk to her about Matthew working more than I do. I know that it's hard on her and we are working on making it work.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What a year so far!! LOL

We are living in Michigan and had more snow when we were out in Cali! We are under a ton of change right now, and not sure how we will come out when we are done. Or if we will have to go back and try again till we find something that works better for us.

Change 1- no more cards! just cash, well paying bills online will still use cards, but other then that we are just a cash family. We are just taking out what we need, and have it in to different groups. We done it before but we stop and started using your cards again and see that it's not good for our family. So just making a big deal out of it so that we can stick to it. Also we are only shopping with a list and only once a week.

Change 2- Loseing weight, if you look at the post right before this I'm a little fat! Just a little, but I'm working on it and still trying to find the time that I need to work out and when the best time is with having the girls here and Matthew gone all the time. Still working on that but I'm sure that I will find the best time for it. Also I have put myself on a bed time of 10:30, I do well most nights. The down side to that is that I do not get to see Matthew all that much. Wish the hours were better.

Change 3- School.... Got some new books for Christmas that look a ton better, and over Christmas we got fa reader in the house, so I need to fix that in to the new plan. Starting half way in to the year with a new kid, thinking of starting our 2 year old. It's about the same time that I did with our oldest. Not that she will do a ton of work, but it works better if she has something todo when we are doing school. So we are moving our school things around in the house to. So I'm miss a few things now and need to find them.

Change 4- Not having our phones up on the weekends. It's something that we have been doing without knowing it. And it seems to work the best for us. As some of you know Matthew is working a ton and when he is home we need him just to be here for us and not be on the phone all the time. So we use it but only when we want to and that's not all that much when he is here. It's a good thing

Change 5- Daily life, that just comes down to how we run th daily to daily things that we do. It got to the point that I was feeling that I had no time to do anything for me. With house work, school, cooking, running around and doing the mom thing it was getting to be a little much. But I'm working on that and have found somethings that I can do.

That is a lot todo with little kids and a husband that is gone a ton.

This is where I'm at

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and were I'm going