Saturday, February 27, 2016

Loving our lazy Saturdays

Today is Saturday!  Our Saturdays over the years have look different and changes when needed.  But what our Saturdays have become.... a day of laziness in the best of ways.  Not to say that we do not do anything.  But over the last few months we have not made big plans, no big time frame.  We may have a play date with some friends, or do some shopping if needed.  It's just the girls and I at the house on Saturday, Matthew is at work.  

   It's come my day to clean the house and do anything that did not get done over the week.  The girls and I do not set a time to get up on Saturdays but are still up early and will eat around 8:30.  We may or may not watch a show.  The girls may plan something to do.

  Here is what our Saturday may look like:

8:30 - up and eating and the TV is on
9:30 - Cleaning round 1 - girls room, bath room and start the wash
10:00 - Jessalla picks out 30 minute fun thing  ~ her pick TV show
10:30 - Cleaning round 2 - Living room and more washing
11:00 - Eammah's picks out 30 minute fun thing ~ her pick TV show
11:30 - Cleaning round 3 - Kitchen and more washing.
12:00 - Lunch and I put on a music.  May need to rethink cleaning the kitchen before lunch!  Why would I do that.  
1:00 - The girls have free time and I'm on cleaning round 4 - our bedroom and more washing if needed
1:30 - Cleaning round 5 - girls are back helping and we are cleaning the school room and we all put our cleaning cloths away. 
A little after 2 we are done with the cleaning and have the rest of the day to hang out do nails play games.  

Please note that this is our big cleaning day, but does not mean we do nothing all week.  We pick up all week as needed.  I sometimes forget about the washing because it's in the basement, out of sight out of mind...  :)  It's may not look like a lazy day, but it feels like one for me.  I do not have to run to town, I can get away with PB&J for lunch, and I can stay in my PJ's all day if I wish to.  

  I do this not because it's my job, or because I have taken Proverbs 31 to a point where people ask if it's gone to far and if I'm okay.  I do it for my family and for my girls.  We all do better when we can start the week off well.  I'm teaching the girls how to clean, and that it can be fun.  We have a great time talking and working together and it's goes by fast.  I help them with their things and ask them to help with the family areas of the house.  And most weeks they help me with our room.  

I would love to hear what your Saturdays look like, and what your cleaning list looks like.

Hope you all have a great weekend

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It's my Christmas!

Working on this summer plan, and wish list....

       We will finish up this years "school" work. Not that we are ever done with "school" but hope to finish up our book work with in the next few months.  I have already started looking at our new things for next year.  It's like Christmas for me!!  :)  For the most part we are staying with everything that we been using.  As the girls get older we will need to change things up here and there.  I been looking in to different things to add and replace some of our older things.  Some of the things that we use, only go up so high.  And I do love what we are using, I still want to make sure they have a great understanding of it.  To give you an idea of what I'm talking about.  We use Hook on Phonics and it works so well for us.  The dvd, work book, little books to read and games on line!!  The down side to it is that it only goes up to 2nd grade.  We will be using it again this coming year for Eammah for 2nd grade.  We have not put anything in when Jessalla finish, but am looking at finding something that we can do to review once a week or so.  She dose great reading but just to keep up on it and whatnot.  Still not 100% what we will be using.  Or if I will find anything that I like enough to buy it.  We may just do a game on the internet.  We are dropping one of Jessalla's math books and adding on Teaching Textbooks for her.  We feel great about this choice and how it is working for us. We are finishing up all her books this year and next year will not order 180 Days of Math.  But Eammah will keep 180 Days of Math for 2nd Grade.  On top of our math books we play lots of games and will keep them and add a few I'm sure.  I'm just not sure where we will put them.  Like I said before we will keep most of what we have been using but there are a few things that I want to look in to and some little things to add in.

    With that said for the last two years we have not had a good Bible curriculum that we loved.  We have used the girls Awana.  And we love Awana and the girls have a great time studying their books.  But I just wanted more, so I have spent many hours over the last few months looking at different ones.  I think I found one that I want to try.  The one that I'm looking in to runs for 35 weeks, and has a colorful fill in book that goes with it.  I think it will work great for us, and I hope that they will enjoy it and gain lots from it.

We also started looking at summer studies also....What does summer looked like for us.  We will keep up with Bible I pull things off line and other books that we have.  We also keep up with reading daily, and reading out loud.  We love to pick books that have been made in to movies so we can watch them.  And end up writing something up, I find something that I think they will like. I find fun ways to keep them writing.  We have one workbook that we work on in the summer do a page a day and by the end of summer we are done with it and the girls like them.  There is also a book list in them, and a place to make goals.  Then our big thing for the summer is a theme.  One summer it was stars, this year is not nailed down as much has I would like but we are getting there.  We will read on it, do art if we can and lots and lots of hands on things.

  In the next few weeks I hope to have the summer out lined so I have my goals outlined.  I do not write down day to day things.  I will have goals for the summer and the months and may do the weeks.  Lots of fun!!  Then once that is done I will start on next years school year.  And I have the girls and what they will be using I have not found something that works for me.  So I hope that sometime with pinterest and I will.  I do not need anything big and fancy.  When I come up with what I hope will be the last one that I have to try I will post.  I will do the same with the summer theme and next year study.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

church, voting and so much more!!

  Tonight we had our yearly business meeting at church.  What a night it was!  Let me take you back a few weeks almost a mother ago.  There was a meeting to nominate new people for the opens that we have for this upcoming year.  I prayed for those in the meeting before leaving the church that night after Awana and did not think much of it till my sweet friend called me and ask me if I would like to be a deaconess.  We talk and I ask what it would mean and what would be ask of me.  We had a great talk and she let me know that I had a few weeks to let her know.

   I got off the phone with her, and was able to think and pray about it.  Man ooo Man!!  What this has nothing to do with kids...and just in case you do not know I mainly deal with kids, it's just were I feel called.  What did they see in me that I was unable to see....  I spent many hours in prayer over it and ask others to prayer for wisdom for me.  And talk to a few that I knew would give me Biblical words of wisdom.  I came to a point that I knew what I was going to say.  I wanted to talk with one more person.  I had said that I would help them and wanted to make sure I know what they wanted from me and to make sure that they would not feel like I was unable to uphold what they were needed from me.  The time had come and I needed to give them my answer.

  My answer........ Yes!!!

  That brings us up to tonight, we needed to vote in 6 new deaconess there were 11 names.  I did not get voted in.

  I learn so much over this past month.  I was able to see how much I have grown, in the past I would have just said yes.  And not taking the time to pray about it, or even talk about it to others.  God also use this to show me that he can use me in other areas.  I could not have seen it!

 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 

 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
                                                       Proverbs 3:5-6

This verse is one that I have always had a hard time with.  How can I trust with all my heart, and not myself.  But come on, sometimes I need to know now, right?  No, the best timing is his timing.  And trusting in him with everything and not your own understanding, because we can not see the big picture.  We see the here and now, but not life times.  

I can say that I will be praying for those who did get voted in, and will keep helping out where and when I can.  I'm so thankful that I was able to take Proverbs 3:5-6 and use it in my life.  And can see the different that it brings in my life.  I'm so over joyed, that people seen things in me that I did not see.