Tuesday, December 27, 2016

New Years word is Health....

With New Years Eve less than a week away, I have been thinking of all that I would like to get done next year.  I hope that we have a better year than we did this past year.  For the past few years I have seen friends pick a word for the year, and I have never did it..... till this year.  :) 2017 word of the year is going to be HEALTH!!  I can not wait to see what this will do for me and my family.  What will it mean to spend a year on the health of myself, my family, my relationships, my house keeping, and even the health with my Lord and my Bible.

I have taken steps to start now, and setting people to check in with... because I know I need someone to keep me going.  When we think of Health we all most all think of fitness and food.  So I will start there.  And this year I do have goals of a healthier eating and getting out more.  My sister-in-law and I will be working on the food thing together states a part.  She will make one week of healthy meals and I will make one.  We will get the 2 weeks of meals for only a little of our time.  I hope to post some of them on here for you all to see what we will be eating.  I'm not sure what she is thinking, but I know for us we will have 1 meatless night each week.  And will try to get lots of fruits and veggies in each day.  Should be a fun way to help each other out.  And two minds are better than one.  I will be tracking my water intake.  I will not say NO ________, I want it to be something that I can keep doing.  I do not want to it to be a diet, but a way of life.

As for fitness and health I myself will have a been working on a plan and have a great friend who is really full of info and has given me some great workouts that I have done for a while now.  And I have plans to sit down with the girls and have them help me with a plan for them and things that we can do together as a family.  I'm sure as the year goes on if not right away Lottie and I will talk and bounce ideas off each other.  I know one of the goals that the girls have is to ride 500 miles on their bikes this year.  Jessalla has been wanting me to take her running, but that means that I need to run with her.  I'm praying about that, I would love to do that with her.  I'm just not sure if I have it in me to take up running, at my age.

I want and need to take time with my friends and family.  I will do my best to work hard and keep my relationship healthy.  Take may mean I have to say no to people sometimes.  And that is okay and will be the best for us all in the outcome.  Having play dates, and sending birthday cards are part of the plan.  Sending notes and text letting them know that I'm thinking and praying for them is more of the plan.  I will work hard to keep my relationships health and to remove the unhealthy ones.  My relationships go down to my kids and impact them also.

My house and healthy..... Just stay with me.  :)  I will take the whole year, yes all 52 weeks to clean out and decluttering  my house.  I have a friend doing this with me.  I hope to be able to keep up with it and have a happier and healthier house at the end.  I also will be coming up with a cleaning list for myself and the girls.  This is something that I have been working on for years and need to find a plan that works for me.  A few months ago I got a book from a friend and I have been working on a few ideas that I got from the book and guess what.... it is working!!!  :)

My health with my Lord and my Bible time!  This one puts a smile on my face ever time I think about it.  But yes I need to work on it.  my health with my Lord is less than what I would like.  This area has a few area within it.  My prayer time, Bible reading and understanding, study and worship.  I have a prayer book and use it well.  But I could be better at prayer.  Reading my Bible is a down fall for me I love reading it but at the same time I reread the same thing over again all the time.  Not that it's unhealthy but it could be healthier and my understanding would be better if I would read more.  So I'm looking hard and praying about what and how to study it.

What is your word for the 2017?  I would love to hear and how you will use it.  And I pray that you all have a healthy 2017 in many ways!!!

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